Exception Handling in Kotlin Coroutines: launch vs async

Asad Mukhtar
3 min readMay 21, 2023


When working with Kotlin coroutines, you have two options for launching a new coroutine and handling exceptions: launch and async. Let's explore the differences in exception handling between these two constructs:


When using the launch coroutine builder, exceptions are not propagated to the caller by default. It follows the "fire and forget" principle, where the launched coroutine runs independently without returning any result or propagating exceptions to the handler if specified. Any exceptions thrown within the launch block will not affect the surrounding code.

Exception handling in launch:

  • By default, uncaught exceptions in a launch coroutine are propagated to the parent scope's exception handler. If the parent scope doesn't have an exception handler, the exception will be thrown and may result in application termination if unhandled.
  • You can also specify a custom exception handler using the CoroutineExceptionHandler context element. This allows you to define a specific handler for each launch coroutine, enabling you to handle and log exceptions or perform any necessary cleanup actions.


On the other hand, async coroutine builder returns a Deferred result. A Deferred is a lightweight non-blocking future that represents a deferred result of a computation. It allows you to handle exceptions that occur within the coroutine explicitly. By using the await() function on the Deferred object, you can retrieve the result while catching any exceptions that may have occurred.

Exception handling in async:

  • Exceptions that occur within an async coroutine are not immediately thrown. Instead, they are stored within the resulting Deferred object.
  • To retrieve the result of the async computation and handle any exceptions, you need to explicitly call the await() function on the Deferred object. This will either return the result value or throw the stored exception if one occurred during the computation.

In summary, the key difference between launch and async in terms of exception handling is that exceptions in launch are immediately propagated, while exceptions in async are stored within the Deferred object and need to be explicitly handled when calling await(). Choose the appropriate coroutine builder based on your use case

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